Top 5 Worst Weapons in Bgmi

By Patel Himanshu

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Top 5 Worst Weapons in Bgmi

hello friends welcome back we are going to take a look at my top five worst weapons list that has totally been made by me so if any weapons that I put in this list hurts your sentiments then I absolutely don’t. start the worst weapons list so at number one.

1. Crossbow

Crossbow in bgmi
Crossbow Weapon (image via bgmi)

this is one of the most useless and time waste weapon that I have ever seen in my entire life this weapon literally needs a pinch perfect accuracy to take down any Target the longer you try to shoot the tougher it gets and it requires a perfect head shot to get the knock otherwise it will take at least 10,000 years to knock a 😆 player if you are trying to shoot at the body.

the reason why this weapon is so worst is because of its bullet drop I mean its Arrow drop the amount of bullet drop that this weapon has it can’t let me sleep at night what and that is why I want this weapon to be deleted from this game what the by the way sorry to all the crossbow fans.

2. WiN 94

Win 94 in bgmi
Win 94 gun (image via bgmi)

two it’s the one and only win 94 the amount of damage that this gun gives is the worst in this 2st Century even my toy gun gives more damage than this piece of crap to be honest I feel like this gun literally looks like a grandpa of all the guns and I also feel like this is the most ignored weapon in bgmi literally no one picks it up until you are a record breaking Noob this is the only weapon which has no positive side anyways I don’t have much to say about this weapon just simply don’t use

3. VSS

Vss gun in bgmi
Vss gun (image via bgmi)

it now at number three we have the vss this gun is good but the amount of bullet we get from its default magazine pisses me so bad just 10 bullet is all we get and if you have an extended Quick Draw then you can have 20 bullets but the worst of this weapon is when you try to shoot a moving Target it is almost impossible to connect every shots with the vsss on a moving Target because of its bullet drop and bullet speed.

the accuracy chokes every time and longer ranges you have to be well experienced and you have to place the scope a little higher than the actual Target so that the bullet drop helps you connect the shots but the damage of vsss is absolute perfect so try using it only at mid-ranges and at long range it is just impossible for noobs like

4. AUG

AUG gun in bgmi
Aug gun (image via bgmi)

so at number four it’s the Aug to be honest I have some personal beef with this weapon what that is why it was deserving to be in the list of worst weapons in 2024 the first and foremost thing that is worst in this weapon is its trashier reloading time it really takes forever to reload a damn magazine.

after the Nerf of this weapon it has become worse than scarl the reason why I have a beef with this weapon is because once I smashed one Nord to the wall due to its reloading time just because of that I missed the real chance of clutching a whole Squad so you can imagine the level of pain I witnessed drop a like immediately to pay some tribute to my pain anyways

5. Stun Grenade

Stun Grenade in bgmi
Stun grenade (image via bgmi)

so at number five it’s stun grenade for sure it may have helped you to Blind your enemies many times but it’s truly a useless thing in this game the work of this throwable is very rare you can’t use it whenever you want to use it you need a perfect timing and a proper position and that’s what makes this weapon a useless thing among all four throwables stun grenade is the absolute worst still it is not as worst as the previous four on my list anyways so these were my personal list of top five worst weapons you can leave your list too in the comments below

Patel Himanshu

Hello, I have been playing bgmi more than 3 years. Currently I am sharing this experience with you on this website

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