100 Tips And Tricks For BGMI

By Patel Himanshu

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100 Tips And Tricks For BGMI

100 Tips And Tricks For BGMI To Become a Pro Player. Hello friends welcome back as you already know this Article going to be a long one so let’s start.

Tip 1 car spray this is the only thing you all suck at always use Red Dot scope whenever spraying at moving Vehicles as it helps you get the most precise shots

Tip 2 watch out there are various breeds of campers but but the Deadly Ones are those who doesn’t even gives their footstep sound always watch out for no footstep campers

Tip 3 habit of pre-fire this is the trick that mostly Esports players does the more you pre-fire the more your enemies gets afraid to fight back habit of pre-firing has saved many lives including you bot friend 😆

Tip 4 one side jiggle in a world full of followers be the leader thank you thank you in simple words don’t be shy to use the one side jiggle as it really makes your opponent aims harder to track your move men

Tip 5 smart choice when looting the air drop don’t you ever think twice to pick up the groza just pick it up immediately because it can get you way more kills than you can ever imagine

Tip 6 do not hip fire in the last Circle whenever you see an Anaconda do not try to take them out by hip firing no because hip fire usually don’t work great on prone down players

Tip 7 Pro Thief when whenever it comes to stealing a kill don’t be shy like a girl because this game is about killing so it doesn’t matter if you are stealing the Kill from the enemy or from your friend

Tip 8 no mercy I personally show no mercy to all the campers and I want the same thing from you too just throw them back to the lobby and make them cry in the corner

Tip 9 behind the cover when fighting two player at a time don’t expose Yourself by coming out from the cover otherwise you will be dead like me

Tip 10 land and kill to get more kills you need to start with any weapon you’ve got after landing immediately many players just keep on looting the whole game don’t be like them

Tip 11 game sense use your sixth sense to analyze when is the right time to use the right utilities and use it whenever it is required instead of just wasting it like a noob

Tip 12 haw key when you are trying to fire on a speed vehicle just aim on its front Bonnet and if your recoil control is good then you can knock them out easily

Tip 13 don’t rush sometimes we can get their kills without even rushing them just fire attack even if there is just a little part of their body is exposed

Tip 14 spray the only thing you need to master is your sprays once you have done it you are all ready to dominate the lobby

Tip 15 don’t lock your focus do not give your whole attention to a single enemy it can be deadly and get you killed by other ones easily

Tip 16 accurate nades have personally mastered my throws kills and it has never disappointed melike even if I don’t throw it accurate as I should still it gives alot of damages to my opponents so you should Master it too

Tip 17 spot and blind Rush whenever you spot the enemy’sexact position just rush at them blindly because he is already panicked by your rush but only do this when there are only one enemy

Tip 18 art of aim shift use the aim shift technique when fighting multiple enemies from a cover as it really helps you get a lot of knocks without getting any damages just fire and sit back behind the cover inorder to not get any shots

Tip 19 close and always get close to your enemy when using any SMG weapons as it can get you the well out of 100 times because of its low bullet spreads

Tip 20 grenade hack try not to bounce the grenade when throwing it to your opponent’s spot because it can be hurt instead don’teven throw it and blow yourself up with that

Tip 21 your presence should scare assoon as you made your Landing you should immediately start killing and knocking enemies near you just let them know about your presence by appearing in the kill feed

Tip 22 surprise attack Master hot Drop so good that you literally know it’s every spot to enter from then send them back to the lobby one by one

Tip 23 don’t use this vehicle using the open roof uaz is pretty dangerous as it does not has a roof to cover your head and then you can be killed by Pro Player Spray

100 Tips And Tricks For BGMI
Image via (bgmi)

Tip 24 how to kill a camper killing a camper in a most easiest wayis by backstabbing them because a face-to-face fight is not possible towin against them

Tip 25 spray wreck when spraying at long range always try to shoot from youropponent’s legs and with the help of the bullet jump and recoil your every shot will be accurate

Tip 26 changing seed and fire don’t be too greedy for for kills like me I mean I usually change my seed and fire to snatch the kill before my teammates but sometimes it can be risky too

Tip 27 how to clutch when you are clutching a squad try not to expose your whole body simply try to stay behind a cover after each knock and push accordingly

Tip 28 revive over looting many greedy players usually loots after killing an enemy even though their mates spamming help and need a revive justdon’t do this stupid mistake and don’tplay a selfish game play

Tip 29 time waste if you are in a hurry to get more kills simply don’t overlook over looting is the only time waste you do which stops you from getting high kills

Tip 30 gay gay are those who has not dropped comment on this article yet what yes so I’mgiving you 10 more seconds to drop comment otherwise you will be in my gay list

Tip 31 watch your back when fighting with one Squad don’t forget to keep your eyes at the back too because this game is full of third parties that can literally jump on you and end your game right there so always focus at the 360° sounds that comes from your nearby surroundings

Tip 32 flare gun trap when you have a flare gun just fire it and move out from there then come back when the drop has arrived you will surely find enemies to get more kills

Tip 33 easy clutch if you want to rush on a house campers and clutch them easily then simply carry at least five grenade and two Molotov these two items can literally do your job like an artificial intelligence just throw them one by one and that’s it their bodies will be sent to the heaven what the

Tip 34 backup don’t be ashamed to back your squat up or give them cover fire when needed many Bots play this game like a dead mosquitoes don’t be a mosquito

Tip 35 spotting skills if you own a high-end device simply play on HDR to spot your enemies more easily and and in as you own a potato device then go buy an iPhone

Tip 36 confusion whenever you fail to decide either to throw a grenade use your guns always choose your gun because cooking a grenade makes you barehand and you will have no gun in your hands to fight back if you mis throw the grenade

Tip 37 SMG at long range don’tuse SMG at long ranges as it will waste your bullets and time both only Legends Like termite gamer can do that

Tip 38 wasting utilities some time wasting utilities also gives you a lot of experiences and teaches you lot of lessons like what you could have done better and what you should not have done while throwing it

Tip 39 record your games try to record your game plays inorder to look at your mistakes and analyze it every content creator does the same that is why they are so good atthis game

Tip 40 give no time when you have successfully damaged your opponent then you should not give him any time to get his health back by healing up just rush immediately and send him back home in this new year holiday

Tip 41 headshot try to connect your more shots atthe head of your enemy as it deals more damage than body shots

Tip 42 avoid open fight when you spotted a squad in the open area do not start your fight right there just look for a compound nearby and then engage the fight in a secureway

Tip 43 bad Rush even if you got a knock you should not rush until it’s a perfect time to unnecessary Rush has ended many careers what

Tip 44 fall back when you need to fall back and you don’thave a cover to protect your whole body just make a smoke wall in these situations

Tip 45 use fpp when doing a 1v1 fight always try to use the fpp mod it helps you get the most precise hip firing accuracy and also you can try itin 1V4 situations only if you are daring enough yeah

Tip 46 rooftop if you drop a Pink Just simply climb its roof if you want to give troubles to everyone out there Is Wear it will get you so many kills that you can never imagine

Tip 47 another benefit of HDR as I said always use HDR Graphics in tip 35 here is its another benefit as you can see the shadow of my enemy is already visible and I spotted him even before he made any sound so this is why I personally use the HDR Graphics

100 Tips And Tricks For BGMI
Image via (bgmi)

Tip 48 time your fire always time your fire in a 1 V 1 one fight you just need to predict the timing so that your enemy will get the shots as soon ashe comes out to shoot you

Tip 49 Russian Style always Russian style because it makes your opponents panicked and it actually makes that fight easier for you

Tip 50 upper ground this game is full of advantages one of them is its Higher Ground the one who captures it wins it and most importantly don’t forget to dance after

Tip 51 free kills whenever you and don’t ignore the free kills opportunity especially when you got agun as soon as you made your Landing

Tip 52 magnetic aim if you use aim assist always then you should use the akm iron sight to spray as it really gives you the magnetic aim

Tip 53 burst weapons when using a burst weapons like Mk Mutant or M16 try to do the jump shot asit makes you harder to track for the enemy who is using an auto rifle

Tip 54 3x plus ump 45 try to use the 3x scope your ump as it works pretty well while spraying

Tip 55 don’t scope out when spraying at a vehicle which is coming towards you do not scope out unless you’ve knocked all of them or you can out of bullets and need a Reload Because it makes your move M slower and you can be killed like this

Tip 56 how to give cover Fire cover fire is basically a pre-fire that we doin our opponent’s spot just to not let them fire back and also if you firesback you can easily knock.

Tip 57 risk of knock finish sometimes knocking and finishing your enemy contains risk but don’t let that opportunity go once you get it

Tip 58 cover is important when you knocked a player in an open ground with a vehicle don’t stop if there is no cover otherwise you can be killed by their other teammates

Tip 59 recoil control if you want a less recoil spray in Long Range then only spray withthe m416

Tip 60 Master throwables learn to throw the grenades and Molo as it can give you a lot of kills and once you have mastered it you will be in my Pro list automatically you serious

Tip 61 knock and bait in a clutching situation do not finish the knocked players you can simply use it asa bait to his mates and they will Rush at you blindly making it much easier for you

Tip 62 close range always keep a hard movement at close range fights asit is the only thing that decides you are either Pro or new

Tip 63 don’t move when spraying at long ranges do not move your joystick as moving your character can easily mess up your recoil control and it can be deadly too

Tip 64 tap tap if you are among those whose recoil control is not good then you can simply use the tap tap method to take down Any Target at long range

Tip 65 Terrace Campers as I said that there are various seeds of campers and to take them out we need to use different tactics against each breeds so for Terrace campers simply use the nades and Molotov

Tip 66 placement to win any close combat you need to have an excellent Crosshair Placement otherwise only God can save you

Tip 67 stay covered don’t stay at such positions from where you are 50%visible from the other side

Tip 68 stair campers to take out any stair campers you need to use your teammate as a bait and once they reload you need to rush them right away this is what I personally do

Tip 69 Size Doesn’t Matter relax boys I’m talking about the joystick many players thinks that big Joy stick makes your movement slower and small makes it quick but that’s just

Tip 70 zero recoil always try to do the prone down spray in order to get the actual zero recoil

Tip 71 car fight whenever you spotted a vehicle with enemy just smash your car into his this will make them stop right there and you can get the kills easily

Tip 72 another trick to steal if you want to steal your teammate skills just let them fire few shots first and once the opponent is damaged already just fire immediately and snatch the kill like a professional robber

Tip 73 high quality headphones if you are a dieh hard gamer then use a proper wired headset instead of earphones or ear pods as these provides a delayed sound unless it’s an expensive one

Tip 74 Usain Bolt sometimes our enemy runs like Usain Bolt so all we got to do is to chase them and beat them in a marathon Race

Tip 75 patience matters to get high kills you have to stay patient and wait for the right moment to engage any fight starting a fight and hurry can end your game

Tip 76 End Circle finding a cover at the End Circle is almost rare but once you find it don’t let it go

Tip 77 shots from the back when using a rock as your cover don’t forget to stay prone down otherwise you can be killed from the back

Tip 78 Landing trick when Landing don’t open your map to look at the meters instead you can see that from here

100 Tips And Tricks For BGMI
Image via (bgmi)

Tip 79 gfx tool don’t use gfx tool to get a smooth gam play as it contains risk of ban and tenant does not support such apps

Tip 80 gaming channel many of you asks if starting a YouTube channel is good these days well it’s never too late to earn money

Tip 81 warm up always warm up your fingers in spawn Island

Tip 82 don’t disappoint your future self sotimewhere your future self probably looking at You And saying what a piece of you work

Tip 83 risk don’t take risk by engaging a fight if you don’t know exactly how many they are

Tip 84 late Lander when you landed before your enemies and you already got a gun then Rush at them immediately instead of being greedy for more loots

Tip 85 reloading always keep your weapons reloaded otherwise it will be deadly at intense situations

Tip 86 selfish don’t play a selfish game play Just for yourself instead try to help them when needed and recall them when it’s required

Tip 87 aim assist on or off enabling aim assist is good for long or midrange sprays but it’s too bad if you are doing a close range fight against two players at a time

Tip 88 never give up when you fail to find any weapon but you still have a pistol on you then do not lose hope all you need to do is try your try could work and you can win that fight

Tip 89 power of shotgun many players make fun of shotguns and they literally throw it or don’t even pick up but the truth is shot gun is way too powerful in close range more than any other weapon and only skilled players can use it whose aim is smooth as butter

Tip 90 extra fire sometimes your predicted accuracy in the Smoke could get you unbelievable knock all you need to do is to spray some extra bullets with the help of your prediction

Tip 91 dp28 spray back in 2020 players used to attach 4X to their DP and spray but now they use 6X scope to spray with the DP but I would still recommend you the 4X as it Tru gives a good and precise aiming

Tip 92 vehicle spray when spraying at a vehicle do not try to spray all your bullets at the vehicle to damage the car no Instead try to shoot the players and especially the driver if you manage to knock out the driver they all will have to stop at a single open spot and that can get you their kills easily

100 Tips And Tricks For BGMI
Image via (bgmi)

Tip 93 watch out for cover fire always remember that the one you are fighting against is not alone someone from his Squad is already watching you

Tip 94 stair Camp when camping the stair of a three-story building always hold the spot as it really makes your winning chances higher

Tip 95 Car Rush when you are rushing with vehicle don’t rush straight to the spot as the opponent’s sprays can damage you or knock you

Tip 96 targeted Rush when you got a knock of someone you are trying to knock from so long then at this situation don’t waste a single second and Rush at him immediately

Tip 97 roof safety when you are on top of a roof and engaging fight one after another then do not forget to watch your back and stay safe as the roof is open and can get you killed easily if you stay there for long

Tip 98 try to dodge always look to dodge as many bullets as possible and right to at least not get much damages because it makes your next fight risky due to the damag vest and helmet

Tip 99 don’t push sometimes avoiding the unnecessary Rush is good too because we usually do this mistake after getting the knoc

Tip 100 you are a legend yes if you are redding till here then you are an absolute Legend thank you so much also it took me more than 4 days to make this whole 100 tips article and lot of hard work went into this so I would really appreciate if you just leave a comment And share this article with you noob team mates anyways so I will meet you in the next one peace out guys 😊

Patel Himanshu

Hello, I have been playing bgmi more than 3 years. Currently I am sharing this experience with you on this website

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